
Shortcut Key Function
F1 Windows Help File
F2 Toggle Full screen Editor
F3 Find Next Occurrence
<SHIFT> <F3> Find Previous Occurrence
F4 Describe Object at cursor. Describe Table, View, Procedure, Function, or Package in popup window
F5 Execute as Script
F6 Toggle between Editor and Results tabs
F7 Clear All Text
F8 Recall previous SQL statement
F9 Execute statement
<CTRL> F9 Describes statement at cursor
<SHIFT> F9 Execute snippet at cursor
F10 Popup Menu
F11 Execute code without using the Debugger
<CTRL> A Select All Text
<CTRL> C Copy
<CTRL> E Execute Explain Plan on the Current Statement
<CTRL> F Find Text
<CTRL> G Goto Line
<CTRL> H Highlight snippet
<CTRL>I Init caps for highlighted code.
<CTRL> L Converts Text to Lowercase
<CTRL> M Make Code Statement
<CTRL> N Recall Named SQL Statement
<CTRL> O Opens File
<CTRL> P Strip Code Statement
<CTRL> R Find and Replace
<CTRL> S Save File
<SHIFT> <CTRL> S Save File As
<CTRL> T Columns Dropdown
<CTRL> U Converts Text to Uppercase
<CTRL> V Paste
<CTRL> X Cut
<CTRL> Z Undo Last Change
<CTRL>. Display popup list of matching tablenames
<SHIFT> <CTRL> Z Redo Last Undo
<ALT> <UP> Display Previous Statement
<ALT> <DOWN> Display Next Statement (after <ALT> <UP>)
<ALT> <PageUP> Navigate to the previous tab in the editor
<ALT> <PageDOWN> Navigate to the next tab in the editor
<CTRL> <ALT> <PageUP> Navigate to the previous results panel tab
<CTRL> <ALT> <PageDOWN> Navigate to the next results panel tab
<CTRL><HOME> In the data grids, goes to the top of the recordset
<CTRL><END> In the data grids, goes to the end of the recordset
<CTRL><SPACE> Display the code template pick list
<CTRL><TAB> Cycles through the collection of MDI Child windows

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