[ 토드 9.5 ]KEY 단축키
# 7) 데이타베이스/오라클2010. 10. 23. 21:48
Shortcut Key | Function |
F1 | Windows Help File |
F2 | Toggle Full screen Editor |
F3 | Find Next Occurrence |
<SHIFT> <F3> | Find Previous Occurrence |
F4 | Describe Object at cursor. Describe Table, View, Procedure, Function, or Package in popup window |
F5 | Execute as Script |
F6 | Toggle between Editor and Results tabs |
F7 | Clear All Text |
F8 | Recall previous SQL statement |
F9 | Execute statement |
<CTRL> F9 | Describes statement at cursor |
<SHIFT> F9 | Execute snippet at cursor |
F10 | Popup Menu |
F11 | Execute code without using the Debugger |
<CTRL> A | Select All Text |
<CTRL> C | Copy |
<CTRL> E | Execute Explain Plan on the Current Statement |
<CTRL> F | Find Text |
<CTRL> G | Goto Line |
<CTRL> H | Highlight snippet |
<CTRL>I | Init caps for highlighted code. |
<CTRL> L | Converts Text to Lowercase |
<CTRL> M | Make Code Statement |
<CTRL> N | Recall Named SQL Statement |
<CTRL> O | Opens File |
<CTRL> P | Strip Code Statement |
<CTRL> R | Find and Replace |
<CTRL> S | Save File |
<SHIFT> <CTRL> S | Save File As |
<CTRL> T | Columns Dropdown |
<CTRL> U | Converts Text to Uppercase |
<CTRL> V | Paste |
<CTRL> X | Cut |
<CTRL> Z | Undo Last Change |
<CTRL>. | Display popup list of matching tablenames |
<SHIFT> <CTRL> Z | Redo Last Undo |
<ALT> <UP> | Display Previous Statement |
<ALT> <DOWN> | Display Next Statement (after <ALT> <UP>) |
<ALT> <PageUP> | Navigate to the previous tab in the editor |
<ALT> <PageDOWN> | Navigate to the next tab in the editor |
<CTRL> <ALT> <PageUP> | Navigate to the previous results panel tab |
<CTRL> <ALT> <PageDOWN> | Navigate to the next results panel tab |
<CTRL><HOME> | In the data grids, goes to the top of the recordset |
<CTRL><END> | In the data grids, goes to the end of the recordset |
<CTRL><SPACE> | Display the code template pick list |
<CTRL><TAB> | Cycles through the collection of MDI Child windows |
토드 도움말 찾아보니 뜨더랑...
그닥 사용하는건 좀 적긴할텐데...
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